ASTM A240 301LN chemical composition
Grade |
C |
Mn |
P |
S |
Si |
Cu |
Ni |
N |
A240 301LN |
0.03 |
2.00 |
0.045 |
0.030 |
1.00 |
16.0-18.0 |
6.0-8.0 |
0.07-0.20 |
ASTM A240 301LN mechanical properties
Grade |
Tensile strength, min Mpa |
Yield strength, min Mpa |
Elongation in 2 in % |
Hardness, max |
Brinell |
Rockwell B |
A240 301LN |
550 |
245 |
45 |
241 |
100 |
ASTM A240 301LN is mainly used in manufacturing equipment components which could withstand higher loads in cold working condition, and reduce equipment weight and rust-free. In addition, ASTM A240 301LN is easy to be work hardening when it is impacted by external forces, which can absorb more impact energy and provide more reliable security for equipment and personnel.