Improved atmospheric corrosion resistant steel S355J0WP main features
Atmospheric corrosion resistant steel S355J0WP main features: The corrosion resistance effect of the automatic protective oxide layer is related to natural factors and special classifications and the concentration of alloy elements in it. The resistance to atmospheric corrosion depends on the self-protective oxide layer based on the base metal during periods of continuous dry and humid weather conditions. Environmental and other conditions mainly provide protection for the location of the structure.
The supply should go deep into the design and the structure manufacturing of the automatic protective oxide layer on the surface and unimpeded regeneration. Including the corrosion of unprotected steel is the designer's responsibility, and it is necessary to increase the thickness of the product in order to counteract the corrosion and should be included in its calculation.
When the specific chemical substance content is in the air, the structure is in contact with water for a long time, is permanently exposed to moisture or is used in the nautical atmosphere, it is meaningful and absolutely necessary to recommend conventional surface protection. Under comparable conditions, the corrosion infectivity of S355J0WP steel with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance paint is lower than that of conventional structural steel.
The surface of the S355J0WP steel structure that is not exposed to the elements may be affected by the concentration and should be properly ventilated. In addition, suitable surface protection is required. The scope of these factors mainly dependent on climatic conditions in the broadest sense and the description of the structure do not allow any statement that is generally valid during the corrosion process. The user should therefore consider the appropriate protection related to the application of the S355J0WP steel manufacturer in the individual product.